
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Looking Through The Double Pain Window

As I look through my double pain window,
 Silently and alone,
 I wonder what must I do or what I must have done to be so strange, so different, and so far gone.
I cried so much in my life,
And when I look for at least one tear to release my pain and fears.
I am left with nothing but dryness and sadness,
There is no room for me or you, it’s filled with the darken sin and a whole lot of emptiness.
God do I really know you,
Or am I one of those fools that you will announce after the closing of your gates,
Depart from me, I never knew you,
That trembles my soul, just the thought of hell I hate
Out of all the doors I tried to escape from, I end up back here,
Right where I started from.
I fight daily for hope, faith, and freedom in you,
Once again I find myself left wishing I was past this double pain window that I look through daily
In the room full of emptiness.
Trapped looking at what could be, through my own double pain window.
Am I doom!
Where you meant to be my groom
Am I on the list to be that bride crowned in your glory?
Or am I to far gone,
To be held in your holy’s of holies!
Rescue me, I am crying out every way I know how too.
But until you Rescue me, I am left to look through this double pain window
Like a broken hearted widow.

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