
Thursday, June 30, 2011


I wonder how many steps it takes
To look forward to the day, when I step forth into a place
A place where the day doesn’t come and go
A place where the SON shines forever
And summer heat doesn’t fade into winter snow
I wonder how many steps it takes
To look forward to the day, when I step forth into a place
Where you’re crowned with Gold
Where the SON’S glory reins
And the love whispers so divine, sheik and bold
I wonder how many steps it takes
To look forward to the day, when I step forth into a place
A place where we can all rest
A place where the SON never sets
And tears are locked away in a forbidden chest
I wonder how many steps it takes
To look forward to the day, when I step forth into a place
Where I feel like family
And I never have to worry, for I am forever looking

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Why Good things come
And Good things go
Tell me Why am I
The Last to Know
SOS!!! Has anyone heard my cry?
Behind these tears
Are failure, calamity, and fears
There is only one hope
 Waiting patiently and believing is what helps me cope
My heart says one thing and my flesh says another
The pains inside screams out like a birthing mother
Glory to those who have it all
For when I try, for some reason I fall
Why does good things come and go away
Or is it just me that feels this way
But I know why I’m here and I only have one thing to say
Lord, because of the lack of love and the disobedience of man, until there is change, I am here to stay
Why Good things come
And Good things go
Tell me why am I
The Last to Know

I have dream, it’s not an ordinary one
It’s deeper, if you know what I mean
A day of peace and a heart that’s at ease
No more pain, no more crying
So much joy that’s inescapable, there is no need trying
But until that day comes with a great sound of thunder
I am left here to sit and wonder
Why Good things come
And Good things go
Tell me why am I
The Last to Know

Monday, June 13, 2011


To you that held me in captivity,
Chained I was to a past with no future, hungry I stayed as you feed me the lies that creep across the waste land, with no conscience or recognition of its actions. A thirst that never once was quenched, but you left a taste of bitterness that quivered down my spine tingling hatred throughout my body, My eyes sought the darkness that carried a burden, which strained the depths of my soul, The ache of My ears at the sound of your voice corrupting my inner man, crushing him, leaving him lifeless, AS A CORSPE  I was left to hang like a decrepit trophy mounted on your deceitful rooted wall, along with the others you won so maliciously.
In the mist of annihilation, Refuge stood amongst me, the fear that build in your eyes, brought about a rage that was forced upon Refuge leaving his body mingled, the threat that flowed through your veins pierced Refuge hands and feet, jealousy that glared from your eyes speared a hole in Refuge side, that released a wicked gloat that caressed your callused heart, and the sound of Refuge taking his last breath, crowned your darken spirit with a inner triumph.
As Refuge laid there lifeless with his arms spread open, you watched his blood dripped from his body with astonishment, and like a imbecile trapped in its own tangled web, you failed to realize, you where the pawn that foolishly led his team into checkmate, for each drop of blood that was shed, it awakened the souls that you held in captivity.
For I, along with many others felt the chains break from our wrist, after each drop of refuge blood, and our hunger was turned into fulfillment, by the manna that fell from the heavens gates, a cup over following with milk and honey was gifted to us, that forever quench our thirst, The Greatness that is in He, now lives in YOU cried the Holy Spirit as He resurrected our inner man.

Now I stand, like a roaring Lion in the path of my destiny, this territory in which I stand upon belongs to me,  as the leader of my pride, I know my call and who I am distend to be, with the crown of my mane I stand Victoriously on the hills of Zion. For who so ever enters with the attentions to kill, steal, or destroy, will be mauled and devoured! For it is written Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God. "For Vengeance is Mine says the Lord."
                                             Romans 12:19

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Twisted Storm

Life can be like a tornado, a warning of terror before the monstrous roaring winds sweeps away what once existed in its path, the debris of the broken hearted mourn through the trail of the dusty memories of their love ones being ripped from the grips that held them close to a heart that is now shattered, with each piece lost and scattered, with no hope of finding nor the strength to regain after the corruption and turmoil you’re left to face during the twirl of its winds.
 It’s hard to imagine in the midst of a storm, there in the Center eye of it all, is where you find PEACE until the calming of each Storm. Jesus! You are the center eye that brings forth peace until the calming of every storm.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Where Am I

     I can feel my world closing up around me, a prisoner trapped in my own spiritual infirmities dungeon awaiting my execution. The air Lessing each breath I take, the anticipation brings forth from its bowels the sign of destruction. Listening to the beat of my heart like a ticking clock, till the coming of the last hour. From dusk to dawn the light fades till it’s not visible, not even by site. Just a memory of its existence that glazed upon me in the heat of the moment, the wonders it possessed when it consumed me by fire, like a moth to a flame I burned with every desire. This couldn’t be Heaven? SO could this be Hell?!